пятница, 30 сентября 2016 г.

Arf arf!

Sheikah symbol from Zelda, stainless steel, welded.

ST Ak-47 Wasteland Rebel (4K)

I Woke Up Like Dis

Hạ Trắng 2

Sarah pls.

I made a kill

Quick! Post Lion King stuff before Africa gets the Internet!

Parlee Vu Fran-zee?

GYM fitness

we're surrounded

I immediately regret this decision

What bad timing..

MFW a post gets upvoted to the front page, but gets savaged in the comments

Maybe there was a reason he wanted that money...

Matching Hair!


3DS on games shelf


Celebrating the (financial) success of No Man's Sky

Chip 'n Dale - Gadget by Kristina Fink

Rae <3

"Hey I don't remember seeing THIS in the job description"

When the letter "G" gets taken off of the word "Graveyard"...

What do you think? Inappropriate funeral attire?

Points dizzy drive shaft doesnt fit new block

I picked my lost cat up today...


Project "Bistro" - Germany

Mini dump of boredom